Program Status Word 8088

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Elevate the Conversation Join Thurrott Premium to enjoy our Premium comments. Premium member comments on news posts will feature an elevated status that increases. Simple circuits and examples to describe how to use PC parallel port as general purpose output port. Program Status Word 8088' title='Program Status Word 8088' />Patent US5. Subliminal message generator. Program Status Word 8088429974TECHNICAL FIELD OF THE INVENTIONThe technical field of the present invention is a combination of a subliminal and a supraliminal message generator that utilizes a technology creating three dimensional text. The three dimensional text is geared specifically to the subconscious and more specifically to the right hemisphere of the brain. Linear subliminal text, on the other hand, is specifically geared to the left hemisphere of the brain. For maximizing the results of behavior modification in therapeutic uses, intermittent supraliminal text is included and for use with an ordinary television receiver. This invention maximizes the input of a structured therapy program by allowing the userclinician to have complete control and knowledge of the specifics within the treatment program. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTIONThere has been and continues to be an ever increasing interest in improving the quality of our lives through changing our behavior patterns. One of the greatest areas of growth in psychology has been in practices and programs that recognize an individuals attitudes and beliefs as the major contributors to the persons satisfaction with their life. This degree of satisfaction also affects our immediate relationships with family, spouse, children, friends, employers and even casual acquaintances. An area of growing understanding has been the relationship between our conscious and subconscious beliefs and actions. Masses of clinical studies and articles have been published by major universities and private institutions over the last 5. Subliminal messages are not consciously perceived yet when effectively done these messages will still have an affect on the person receiving them. Because subliminal messages bypass the conscious thought process they are not easily filtered out or as easily ignored as overt messages. This prevents the user from consciously ignoring the message and promotes the effectiveness of messages. Subliminal messages can be useful in therapeutic programs and even in self help applications. A major void in the field of psychology has been the lack of a method to effectively address the subconscious mind and implementing a desired and prescribed treatment program that allows clinical input and monitoring of the treatment of an individual in working on a desired behavior modification. Technologies to date have offered programs that are analogous to an individual going into a shoe store that carries shoes sized 5. AAAA to 1. 3EEE and hoping to find a pair they like that fits just by grabbing one off the shelf. One manner of aiding such efforts is by providing a device that gives the userclinician 1. The ordinary television receiver is an ideal candidate for presentation of subliminal messages. Most individuals watch television several hours a day. This time can be advantageously employed with therapeutic guidance in an effective method of delivering subliminal positive affirmation messages. Unfortunately, there is no manner known in the art for advantageously using the television in an active program of subliminal therapy. Systems known in the art do not permit adaptation of fixed images to be tailored to a particular user. Prior art employs fixed messages that cannot be changed by the user and have a built in drawback regarding the effectiveness of the message in general. They also create uneasiness in users regarding content of messages which they are unable to observe and control. Video and audio tapes with predetermined subliminal messages are known in the art, yet cannot be made in the variety to meet the needs of all persons. Any therapeutic value of such off the shelf preprogrammed audio or visual methodology, at best, can be considered to be only vaguely or remotely effective in producing any type of behavior modification. Additionally, most individuals have concerns about possible subversive content of subliminal messages in mass produced programs, such as those on pre programmed audio and video cassettes and cartridge applications. This concern is typically unfounded although individuals do not like the though of exposing their minds to a methodology of programming much akin to Orwells Big Brother. With this invention complete control rests with the individual and the fiduciary relationship that has developed with hisher therapist. From a therapy basis, a clinician currently has no concrete method of specifying particular areas for treatment and methodology for implementing a treatment program that utilizes subliminal suggestions. It would thus be useful to provide a manner of presenting user selectable subliminal messages during all uses of the television receiver. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTIONThis invention is a combination of a subliminal message generator that is 1. The subliminal message generator periodically displays user specified messages for the normal television signal for specific periods of time and duration. This permits an individual to employ a combination of subliminal and supraliminal therapy while watching television. Additionally, with the use of a modem and floppy disk option a therapist can down load both specialized graphic pictures and three dimensional text with just a phone call, thereby foregoing the necessity of an office visit, especially when availability of an appointment may not be immediate. The subliminal message generator of this invention is constructed as follows. A video synchronization detector receives a video signal and generates a synchronization clock signal in phase and time synchronism with said composite video signal. A radio frequency tunerdemodulator tuned to a television signal generates the video signal in the preferred embodiment. A video display generator generates a video message signal corresponding to a received alphanumeric text or graphic message. This video display generator is connected to the video synchronization detector ensuring the video message signal is in synchronism with the received television signal. A video mixer selectively supplies either the received video signal or the video message signal to an output. The video message signal may be presented either in substitution for the received video signal or mixed with the received video signal. Torrent October Project. This selected video output preferably drives a radio frequency modulator that produces a television signal for viewing via an ordinary television receiver. A control apparatus connected to the video mixer normally selects the received video signal. At programmable intervals the control apparatus causes the video mixer to select the video message signal for a predetermined subliminal period of time. The messages produced by the video message generator are operator selectable via a keyboard input. The subliminal message generator preferably detects and stores the total time of subliminal therapy for any session. In the preferred embodiment the control apparatus takes the form of a programmed digital computer. The subliminal message generator of this invention includes a message memory. The message memory stores a plurality of alphanumeric text messages specified by said operator commands for use as subliminal messages. In the preferred embodiment this message memory includes a read only memory storing predetermined sets of alphanumeric text messages directed to differing topics. The control apparatus permits operator selection of one of these sets of messages.